Un-Comfort Zones


“Winning isn’t for everyone.” Taken from an advertisement about the intense training athletes endure to become champions.  It’s uncomfortable, yet they do it, routinely and willingly.  The “uncomfortableness” actually becomes their comfort zones.  We all have comfort zones, and “un”- comfort zones, and with a New Year upon us, it might be a good time to evaluate where we are.  When we feel safe, in our familiar surroundings, with people we know and doing things we are accustomed to doing, we typically feel comfortable.  We have minimal stress, and little to no anxiety.  Not a bad feeling, right??  We’re in our comfort zones, and many of us prefer to stay there.

What about the other side of the coin?  The advertisement was basically saying that to be successful, we need to stretch or step out of our comfort zones and do a whole lot of things that are difficult!  Things that demand a level of determination and discipline well beyond our typical levels of tolerance.  In other words, to get to where we want to be, staying in our comfort zones may not get us there,  it may be time for us to get uncomfortable!

Let’s look at the life Jesus led.  Was it comfortable?  Not really, in fact, not at all!  He had no place to live, He was loved by few and despised by many.  He ultimately paid the price for our sins by hanging on a Cross.  Jesus’s entire life was one of discomfort.  And although He endured a very uncomfortable worldly life, He continually had the love and strength of His Father to provide Him with the comfort He needed regardless of His circumstances.  What a paradox –  Jesus purposely had to live His earthly life in an un-comfort zone to be in the ultimate comfort zone with His Father in Heaven.

None of us will live a life like Jesus, but we still have our challenges as Christians.  As we try each day to make decisions aligned with our Lord, we may very well encounter our share of discomfort.  As we step out of our comfort zones for the Lord, we can rest assured that if we act on His behalf, Jesus will be with us and His Spirit will create for us the Comfort Zones that only He can give.

Dear Lord we pray – As we begin a New Year, we pray that we can set aside our worries, concerns and anxieties when it comes to serving you, knowing that a feeling of discomfort is part of our walk with You, but can be overcome with your love and presence in all we do.  You are our Eternal Comfort Zone.

 Have a blessed New Year,

Dom Perfetti