Let the Son Shine Through
Sitting in the Church Sanctuary early in the morning before the Service can be very peaceful. A few weeks ago, just at the right time, sitting in the right spot and looking from the ideal angle, the sun was peering through the stained glass directly through the halo above Jesus’s head as He was praying in the garden prior to His Crucifixion. The light beam was intense, and although it only lasted a few minutes until the sun rose higher, the memory of it is still sharp. The sun was shining and the Son was shining!
With the Lenten Season upon us once again, we will be revisiting Jesus’ last walk and last words prior to His resurrection. Throughout these days we’ll recall the unconditional love and forgiveness He freely offered each of us. It’s these days, more so than ever that we see the Light of God shining through His Son, brightening the path for all of us. Jesus’ death on the Cross was a dark day for His disciples but three days later they were filled with hope and rejoicing when they learned of the empty tomb and His rising to be united with His Father in Heaven.
The Light of the Son has shown through death on the Cross and can show through our lives as well. Just as the sun shined brightly through the stained glass at the Church, the Son can also shine brightly in our lives as we open our hearts and minds to Him. The stained glass was designed to allow for sunlight to shine through and brighten the Church, and God designed us to allow for the Son to shine through us and brighten the lives of others.
The Light of the Son is stronger than any other and can brighten the darkest times. As we accept Jesus into our hearts, let’s enjoy the light of the Son and let it shine wherever we go.
Dear Lord we pray – As we enter another season of Lent, we pray that the Light of Your Son Jesus can shine brightly in and through each of us. Help us to have the courage and strength to bring ourselves and others closer to You as You continue to shine Your Light upon us through our days of joy as well as the days of our greatest trials. We know you are always with us.
Have a blessed Lenten Season,
Dom Perfetti