Yes, It Is Free!!

The line was so long you would think they were giving something away for free!   What could possibly be in such demand that crowds would gather and wait in line for hours to spend their hard-earned money??  Well, we know that certain Holidays and new product launches can cause this, we see it happen often and may even be participants! 😊 

True story, winding the clocks back about twenty-five years.  While working at a large chemical company we decided to participate in a Township Celebration day and sponsor a booth.  As a “free give away” we decided to take one of our top selling products that happened to be packaged in quart cans and turn a bunch of empty cans into coin banks.  Great idea, right??  Well, as we approached visitors walking toward our booth with our  “free banks,” they took off in the opposite direction! They thought we were collecting money!  With a minor adjustment, we got ourselves back on track.  We were trying to give something away for free, but the guests didn’t realize it!….hmmmm…

Fast forward to the present time – A close Jewish friend has been interested and curious about our Church and asked to attend a service with me a few weeks ago.  That particular morning the Church was much more crowded than usual.  My friend looked at me and said, are they giving something away free today??  Simultaneously we said out loud, Salvation!  We had a few laughs, but isn’t it the truth?


Our Lord offers us the free gift of Salvation each and every day of our lives.  The Church is a wonderful place to receive it, although we can all accept Jesus’s gift of eternal life anywhere, and at any time.  He is there to offer us Salvation, eternal life with Him – for free!  When we set aside our worries and fears of the world around us, and give ourselves openly to Jesus, He in turn gives us His gift of eternal life, free – no catches, no strings attached.  His offer has stood for centuries, and still stands today.  All we need to do is accept it. 


Dear Lord we pray Please open our eyes and our hearts to see and understand that wonderful gift that you freely offer to each of us, the gift of Salvation that You offered us on the Cross.  Although we may seek comfort and convenience in our worldly lives, help us to always remember that it was your sacrifice for us on the Cross that gave us the only lasting and meaningful Gift we will ever need.


Have a wonderful summer,
     Dom Perfetti